Saturday, June 21, 2014


There is a widespread prejudice against all bikers, justified or otherwise. Yes, I know motorcycling is a high risk transport, everybody knows that.

But the moment that I decided to ride, I am already 100% responsible for my own safety. And I don't blame other drivers or pedestrians if I really did get into an accident even if I am not the cause of it. A car may bolt out of the blue into my path, it always happens and I am the one that need to take the necessary precautions and ride in the most paranoid manner possible to preserve my meaningful life and also to get home safely.

But still like what one of my loves one say, it's not the vehicle problem but the person who handle it is the main problem. I strongly agree to this statement.

It's not this poor machine that are at fault, it's me, the rider that is at fault for not being responsible.

That bike incident that changes everything...
Maybe something should really happen to me so it won't turn out that way.

Not responsible...
Not reliable...
I let you down...
That's me...

No matter how many good things you do but just one mistake at the wrong time despite all the coincidence, everything is back to square one, that's reality. Deal with it.

Things will never be the same anymore   :(

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