Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Someone once taught me not to judge.
I can't say that I didnt judge at all.
It's not easy to do that in such world but at least I am trying...
Trying not to judge people.
Trying not to look down on people too.
Just like how people say budget airline are cheap, but no... They are known as the low cost carrier, it's because of them that allow more people who are not that rich to travel around. Or like how can anyone judge t-rex for his short arms? They are born that way, they did not choose to be like that. So who are you to judge?

Someone once motivated me to jog long distance, initially I doubt I can do it, after all I don't really like to jog. But now? I can jog for near 10km with decent timing. Whenever I saw someone jogging, be it a old or fat person, I still respect them. why? Because they made that effort to go for a jog rather than coming out with excuses. A bad run is always better than a no run.

I am thankful for people that motivates me and tell me the right things at times where I doubt myself.. Appericate much. I come to realize that the only people I need in my life are the ones that need me in theirs even when I have nothing else to offer but myself.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Letter to the Love that I Haven't Met Yet

Dear Future love of mine,

  I know that I should had written this letter to you long ago, but I got the feeling that you were think that I didn't exist. But I do I do! And I wanted to let you know that while I might be as elusive as a unicorn or dragon which grazing in a field of four-leaf clovers, but I do exist! I am just around the corner, maybe just down the street, on facebook, maybe in your office or any local coffee shop. I might had an eyes contact with you once on the public transport or I may even saw you across the room at a party. But it's not our time yet. You must be wondering why, right?

I know it's really not fair that you have to wait this long, or go on blind dates with people you dislike, endure bad sex, settle for "Meh Meh" relationship, feel misunderstood, cry from loneliness, wrap your arm around a pillow as you fall asleep at night. I am so sorry, my love... You deserve an explanation from a bastard like me. So, here it goes, it's taken me a long time to even admit this to myself much less to you, so please know that everything I have written here is true.

The reasons that we haven't met yet, in no particular order are as following:

1) I haven't thrown out the list of things I think you should be.
2) I am with the wrong person right now.
3) I am not ready to be loved unconditionally.
4) Since my life isn't together yet, I think you will reject me.
5) I still believe that drama is a show of love.
6) I have been intentionally keeping my head too busy to think with my heart.
7) I need to date more to understand what I do and don't like.
8) I won't be able to appreciate you until my life has kicked my ass.
9) I am too focused on my own needs.
10) I don't know how to create the feeling of home that lives in my heart.

Clearly as you can see, I am not my best self yet. Or even myself, I am still figuring out who I really is.
I am pretty sure even if we did meet, you wouldn't like me all that much right now.
It's entirely possible that we did hit it off once, and I left without getting your information, or maybe I did get your number and never called because of any one of the above reasons/excuses.

Be patient with me, my dear... Know that I am working my way toward you. So don't spend any more time thinking about where I am or am not. Just keep making your life exciting and full, so when we do finally come together, we can bring each other joy, because we are already happy.

I know it's taking longer than you'd like. It's a hell lot slower than I could have ever imagined. But I am here. This is me talking to you, and I am not going anywhere. Don't give up on me.

Yours in perpetuity,

The love you haven't met yet

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Everything can be either poison or medicine depending on how we use them. What kills people is not a knife or a gun, it's people.

Pity, the feeling of sorrow and compassion for misfortunes of others as if they are one's own.
Synonyms are understanding, sympathy.
Antonym is hatred.

I thought it was a good dream but it was just a bad one.
I am too lazy to put blame on anyone but sometimes finding an excuses is helpful when people like me can't bring up the courage.

Someone once told me that, if there is a reason for you to live, then live...

Saturday, April 19, 2014


To my friends who just got out of a relationship, learn to enjoy life on your own, at least like for three months?

Meanwhile, try find the things that make you happy, do things that you have wanted to do, and spend time without a significant other. Date if you want to, but do so casually. Learn what you like and dislike and give yourself a hard, firm timeline to stay single.

I find that if you are contented with being single, you will be less likely to jump into a relationship for the wrong reasons.

And also, try to be picky, don't fall to fast...
Learn to say NOOOooooooooooo.
It's much too easy to jump right back into a relationship if you are just out of one, or jump too quickly at the first sign of sparks when you have been single for too long. My advice, DON'T FREAKING DO IT!

Take such opportunity to find someone who truly complements you, whom you have a deep connection with, and of course, whom you find attractive, not just any cats and dogs.

Also not forgetting to find yourself. The easier path to be happy and to have a healthy relationship is to understand what you yourself like and what actually make you happy. Take the time to find yourself while you are single. There's always give and take, but make sure you have a firm understanding of where to draw the line.

And to those friends that only know how to stick like a glue to their other half. Try reconnect with your old friends as relationships, particularly difficult ones can be very hand on friendships. While you are single, try reconnecting with old friends and if possible continue no matter what the relationship status are. Don't use friends as a crutch to fill the void of your lost relationship, rather find ways to ensure that your friends and family can stay part of any new relationship.

And to those friends who are still single, if you want to look and feel your best, try hitting the gym or go for regular jogging and get in shape. You will feel better, have more confidence which might actually aid in your next relationship off on the right foot. Find unique ways to get in shape, play tennis, golf, basketball or whatever. You might accidentally find or meet someone who has the same interests. Although such thing only happen in drama but who knows that it might actually happen.

Try meet new people every day, or at least learn more about the people you know. It's easy to sulk and feel isolated when you don't have that special someone in your life. Talking to people at your work place, store, gym or wherever place that you deem fit is a great way to stay social with no pressure. It's not just about finding someone new. rather it's a chance to become a more social and engaging person.

Lastly, I better go and carry on with my log book. :(

Monday, April 14, 2014

Sweet Talker

So, a Sweet Talker is a player for being a smooth talker, someone who uses nice words to get his/her way and often known as a Flirter? A person to be-careful of...?

Hmmmmmm, I guess so...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Ugly Turths

The only difference between someone actions for being romantic and creepy is how attractive the other person finds you. That's it and that's all...

Generally, people are scared that by sincerely putting themselves out there will result in the other party finding out that they are too available, too anxious, too nerdy, too nice, too safe, too boring, not funny enough, not pretty enough, or even not some other person enough to be embraced...

Any person that we get romantically involved with, will either wind up staying with forever, or break up with at some point of time. Yes, these are the terrifying concepts and fact that causing people to be afraid of commitment and being official that they will rather remain in a label-free relationship, which blurs the lines.

Someone who hurt you is not going to have bad karma automatically, at least not in the immediate future. I know it only seem fair, but there are people out there that do cheat, betray and move on happily while the person they left is in shambles.

In the wooing period or even after getting together, the person who cares less will always have all the power, nobody wants to be the one who's more interested. But is this really the case for everybody? I doubt so...

Monday, April 7, 2014


I like how someone can show me a dolphin just because I wanted to see one.   :)

The little things

One of the biggest mistakes that people often make when they are trying to impress someone is that they like to assume people only pay attention to the important or "BIG" things they do. But I think the reality is that the little things are what actually matter most.

It's the little things we do or don't do everyday that help to shape us in to who we are. The little things that determine how we respond when bigger things come into our lives.

The kind of image we present to the world is usually determined by our actions, comments, attitude, behavior and sometimes appearance.

These things can be noticed within the first few seconds when meeting someone new. What we do might be something so simple and small but it might leave a big impact where the effects are lasting. People might remember the little things we do and that can make the difference that we are looking for.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


As I grew older and wiser...
I became more selective about whom I spent my time with...
I filtered, I found good friends, I drifted from others.
Naturally as I become selective, I became more stubborn and my grip grew a little tighter.
I handpicked those whom I wanted to kept close.

I have learned that we can't corral people into a pen and lock them away forever.
They won't stay put and we shouldn't have to convince them otherwise.
It seem obvious enough that relationships, like all other things do change, grow and even dissipate.
But that doesn't mean that it's an easy thing to accept...

Time can turned close friend into distant acquaintances.
Our lives are in constant motion. We change every single day.
Sometimes, we forget that the people who surround us also change everyday.
Some relationships may grow together, shift and bend in ways that make them fit comfortably.
Some relationships are more forgiving and hang on for the sake of the love that was one binding and now hangs around as a memory.
But some don't last...
Some get destroyed...
Some disappear slowly and some cease to exist abruptly.

Instead of focusing on the loss, maybe one should start to focus on the beautiful things each persons brought into their life. Knowing that your relationship had a purpose and convincing yourself that ultimately, the purpose was achieved is a great way to gain closure.

We are all moving and changing, we need different things from the world at different times in our lives.
We want different things, we view the world in different lights.
We are all essentially just bumping into each other, stuck together until another crack in the road sends us free falling into something or someone else.

Surround yourself with friends who make you better.
No one can save all friendships and the one that can't be saved are sometimes the ones that don't need to be.
You can never know the direction in which people will go and grow and change.

We can only try our best to keep the people that we really appreciate in our field of vision at all times, but also understand that life has its own way of throwing us around. Understand that these
are just realities.
It doesn't feel good to give up on people or relationships but sometimes, holding on feels worse.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014


With social media the lines of friendship are blurred. If we take everyone's opinion on board, it will seriously cloud our judgement. Even a simple question can turn into an accuse...