Wednesday, May 21, 2014

For convenience sake or ?

In a new relationship, there are always a honeymoon period and on average it takes about three months for the full honeymoon period to blow over before one of them begin to see the flaws in the other person. Well, it's not that those flaws weren't exist all along, they were! It's just that people tend to get lost in the tide of love and didn't pay much notice to them.

I believe a person can get a good feeling to figure out whether or not their relationship has a chance within the first three months of seriously dating that person. Observing the person you are dating and being honest about what you see is rather important, however love is still love, when you are in love, you tend to be more vulnerable, exposed and perhaps blind? When people fall in love, their minds don't just see a person, they see the person that they perceive. They make this person to be something greater than he/she really is.

I am not suggesting that within the three months, people should break up or get married, but one can certainly tell whether or not there is some likelihood of this person being the one. I always believe my partner is simply a person, a person that I love, but a person nonetheless. She will have flaws, bad habits, personal issues. But everyone do, it's just that when people first fall in love, they overlook these truths and usually choose to ignore them all together.

Over a period, reality will starts to seep in and our perfect version of our lover will become less magnificent or mystical. Our partner may become less romanticized and more...human. However, if we are looking to spend our life with anyone, then we should first accept the fact that we are dating someone who comes with just as much baggage, just as many issues and just as many nasty habits as everyone else.

More importantly, we shouldn't ignore the things that bother us about the other person because we usually only has three options:                                                                                    
1) Our partner change his/her ways when we address it.
2) We learn to deal with it.
3) We break up down the road.

Obviously, there are a few more remaining options but they are much darker and a bit more twisted.The truth is that relationships really are about compromise. What else? Love of course! But love isn't enough to hold a relationship together on its own, that's unfortunately as it's what everyone seems to believe, I blame those movies, all those "Happily ever after" Disney cartoons or romantic comedies. Main idea here is just to figure out our own acceptable level of perfectness and simply be happy! :)

Random thoughts as usual, time to study again...! All the best everybody!!

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